Shatterscarp is the third region you can visit during your journey in Avowed. It’s home to Thirdborn, a town full of misfits, pirates, and outlaws. Shatterscarp is arguably the most dangerous region in the Living Lands, as the Dreamscourge has completely taken over the inhabitants and there’s a dangerous Archmage at work that’s devouring whole sections of the map.
Through all of this chaos, though, there are some gorgeous locations and plenty of content to consume in addition to the main story quests. To make your time easier in Shatterscarp, we went through the trouble of fully uncovering the entire map, allowing you to see where everything is and how to get there. The guide below will showcase the uncovered map as well as some key points of interest that you’ll want to visit in Avowed.
Full Shatterscarp Map in Avowed
Unlike other regions in Avowed, Shatterscarp is centered around its hub city of Thirdborn. Instead, Thirdborn is a small settlement that borders the ocean on the southern border of the map. At the center of Shatterscarp is a massive mountain that you can’t really traverse, forcing you to go around it if you want to visit the sprawling locations in the region.
In total, there are five major areas you can explore in Shatterscarp, and they are:
- Thirdborn
- Great Sand Sea
- Ancient Lakebed
- Shark’s Teeth
- Deadfall Highlands
There are plenty of other larger locations you’ll visit throughout the story, but those are the main five sections of the map. All of them surround the massive mountain in the middle of Shatterscarp, so it’s wise to follow the main road (indicated by the red dotted lines on the map) if you want to efficiently make your way around.
Here are two shots of the fully uncovered Shatterscarp map:

As always, Thirdborn remains covered as it has a separate map that appears when you enter its front doors. The only other part of the map that’s covered is the central mountain, but as you can see, there are some small areas you can find that allow you to explore a little of the large rock.
Shatterscarp Key Points of Interest
Shatterscarp doesn’t feature nearly the same amount of fast travel beacons and party camps as Dawnshore or Emerald Stair in Avowed. As such, you’ll have a difficult time making your way around the map quickly. There are only five fast travel beacons and four party camp waystones.
This might deter you from exploring the map, but trust us, there’s plenty to see and do in Shatterscarp. Below, we’ll list off some of the major points of interest and where they’re located on the map.
Strangled Adra
- At the top of the Broken Crown Rock to the north of the Great Sand Sea
The Voice
- On the top of a cliff at the Twin Offerings Overlook, located in the southern part of the Great Sand Sea and to the west of the Sand Sea Oasis
Pargrun Cache
- If you want some unique rewards in Avowed, head to the Pargrun Cache in the southeastern part of the Shark’s Teeth area. This is also where one of the Totem of Revelations pieces is located
Treasure Maps
Mapping the Living Lands Cartographer
That’s all for this map guide in Avowed. Shatterscarp might be tedious to explore at times, but it holds some tremendous rewards.
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